Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hey guys,

Rudya and I are having some difficulty coming up with proposals. On Tuesday, Denise mentioned that the concept of a pinata is really interesting and fits well with our code. Now, we can't get that out of our heads. WE'RE STUCK! We've also been thinking about different game ideas, but we don't necessarily want to design a traditional board game or puzzle.

If you guys can help us out with some ADVICE about what we should be thinking about or how we should be approaching this, PLEASE let us know.

Here's our instructional code:

1. Communication: learn the language: rules, vocab, symbols, signs
2. Dress: show/flaunt support: through dress, colors, and accessories
3. Socialize: Gather with people of similar interests
4. customs: Add traditions and rituals
5. Gaming: Add competition and obsession
6. Celebration: Celebrate by singing, socializing, eating, drinking, cheering, attending parades, etc.



kevinkwan said...

hmmm that's alot of requirements... im thinking something FUN and LIGHTHEARTED. i like the idea of a game, it doesnt have to be a "traditional" game of course.

i imagine u would have to make up your own weird game with weird rules, funny actions, make pple act, sing, jump around... while in teams and wearing some sort of matching object/uniform...???

kevinkwan said...

oh u guys should check this out...

Suzan Seo said...

Thanks kevin! the website is so cute. and it's funny bc i make origami with my post-its ALL THE TIME.