Sunday, October 19, 2008


MAD's "Second Lives:Remixing the Ordinary" includes objects and installations created from ordinary everyday objects, originally made for another functional purpose. The way these artists were able to envision another function for these mundane everyday objects was very inspirational. Who would have ever guessed a plastic hair comb could work as a way of drawing or shoes to form a chair. As I was looking around, I could not help but think of tactics. Tactics can be defined as a way of constructing alternatives. Each of these artists were able to construct alternative functions and meanings to these everyday objects. For example, when most people think about triggers, they usually visualize objects with triggers which are usually guns. The main function is to be able to pull the trigger on a gun, Boris Bally was able to give an alternative meaning to the trigger by creating a necklace made up of triggers. "Haygarth allows the objects he finds to inspire the final form of his work." I found this quote very refreshing because it breaks all the initial stereotypes.

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