Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fabric Collage - Megan + Dilhan

The second time experimenting with our chosen material (fabric) we chose to apply a workaround that our culture uses to deal with the cluttered small space that have to arrange their products as well how they are able to distinguish themselves as a private, innovative entity when compared to the other designers and public space that surrounds them. Whether it be by putting chairs in between booths to segregate where one designers "section" begins and where ones ends, using a sheet as a backdrop folded over a garment rack to differentiate ones space, or having a colored overhead umbrella, etc. By interconnecting various swatches of fabric that have been dyed, cut, woven, sewed, etc. we we wanted to capture and conceptualize the differences and lengths that handicraft designers must go through to establish a presence and a personal aesthetic when clustered together in a space with many other talented individuals. By also applying a very hand oriented aesthetic to our fabric collage we wanted to be representative of the ideals and values the designers that we have been observing and studying include in their own work.


Denise said...
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Denise said...

ack, didn't mean to delete:

This tactic, more than the previous one, echoes your culture nicely--and starts to get at your code...
Using 3 dimensions might differentiate each element even further (you may have started to--hard to tell in a photo).