Friday, September 19, 2008

Weirdness at the end of the tunnel

As we mentioned in class, Moira and I were going to "Weird" a goth club event that was suitable for "the new meat." Upon arriving to the place, it looked very promising. We had to walk down metal stairs to a mysterious room with appropriate, dirty, musty chandeliers dangling above us. However, to our disappointment, "Weird" was weird for all the wrong reasons. There were no Goths. Potentially 2-3 Goths, but we cannot be sure. Most of the place was filled with "day crawlers" and a few drag queens. These "day crawlers" sat mostly around the bar or leaning on the adjacent wall. Despite its more dark and eerie decor, they flashed strobe lights and multi-colored streak lights while playing some synced electro. We felt that we could of had a chance bumping into Goths with the sounds of electro music, but as the night went on we were met with disappointment. However, behavior to note was, no one was dancing, and most people tried to stay out of the dancing side of the room. We were not sure if it was because the music wasn't right which meant maybe beginner Goths that look like day crawlers? Or could be just shy day crawlers? However later in the night, more people went to the dance room floor. We thought they went to dance, but to our wonderment, they weren't. They all stood still staring at the DJ who was just spinning records and pressing 2 or 3 keys on the keyboard. Bizarre as it seems, it did prove that just being weird surely does not make you Goth.


MeganHoward said...

Since you had a friendly experience with many of the people you met at the "Goth Night" club last week, it might be good you two to get in touch with one of the Goth's you met and "shadow" them for a day to observe their lifestyle, habits and circle of friends. I feel like going out to venues where your hoping Goths will congregate is a hit or miss, so you might receive better information and feedback if you spent a good deal of time with an actual Goth. I think it would give you a lot of insight on your culture and would help you define aspects that you haven't yet fully discovered in your culture.

kimi said...

I think thats a good idea. I think we are hesitant about it since the only truly helpful people were guys with other intentions in mind, but now upon real thought, there might be one girl that would let us do that despite how closed off but its true we need more day experience

Michaelmotorcycle said...

I think Megan's right. Also it sounds like this was just a dud dance night, so I wouldn't write off your observations of people's shyness as characteristically goth.