Sunday, September 14, 2008

raw food culture

live live (10th street btwn 1st ave and ave a)

live live is a friendly raw food store, it carries only organic and raw products. while browsing the store we began to make small talk with each costumer. greg (our new friend) helped us to find the best products, ranging from oils to chocolate and vitamins to lotions also helped us to understand what it takes and what makes you apart of raw food culture. he was very honest and blunt, about the practice of raw food and its interactions with his life. trying to help us understand he gave us a great idea and recipe. he demonstrated to us how to make a zucchini "pasta" using regular ingredients to make the sauce, by putting vegetables through a garnishing machine. Other techniques that differentiate raw foodist from regular eaters is sprouting, which is the process of planting you own live food, which stays live till the second you enjoy it. it was really interesting for us to be viewed as people interested in raw food culture compared to "students" doing a research project.  while in conversation with greg another raw foodist came over to us and gave us her card. her name is rose-marie swift makeup artist and founder of rms beauty ( and she is doing an organic raw makeup and cosmetic line. much different than the "organic" lines already created.  raw food culture goes way beyond the act of physically eating the food, it is all about sustainability, being pure and having positive in nyc and being a raw foodist has an advantage that only raw foodist can see, they feel as if they truely conncet with nature in an urban setting. they find without raw food there is no balance between hectic city life and simplistic pure nature.  
while talking with greg, he explained how being a raw foodist has altered his perspectives on things, whether it be nature, politics, his own happiness and mainly being a part of the earth.  being a raw foodist is also a statement, against corporations, we almost view it as a positive rebellion. greg was talking to us about a segment recently on 20/20 and how they negatively portrayed raw food and the culture behind it, they compare it to orthorexia . greg was quick to point out who owns abc news and how corporations affect their portrayal of raw food.  check the video out for yourself  (


Michaelmotorcycle said...

What the hell is orthorexia? or a garnishing machine? Haha.

I think what you guys are getting at is interesting, and you're definitely talking to a lot of people, but somehow the information keeps sounding like the same thing over and over. And I bet its because the people you talk to all say the same things over and over.

I'd be really interested to find out what these people do that has nothing to do with raw food, because I think it will shed insight on how deeply raw food culture affects the rest of their activities (in specific ways) that they won't be able to just tell you. For example, where do they work? Do they bike or take the subway? Do they exercise - if so, at a gym or in a park? What are their family lives like? etc. etc. Hope that makes sense.

Jillian Sandrey said...

haha Michael I was going to ask the same sounds like a disorder to me....
You need to bring in some of this looks so interesting I want to hear more about that spagetti.

The lady who has the makeup line seems really interesting, it shows that her facination with this lifestlye goes beyond what she puts into her body, its also what she puts in it.

Anonymous said...

yeah thats true michael. im sure we would find out alot by asking those and other similar questions , thanks for the advice :) see yaaa in class