Monday, September 15, 2008

my second life

hi everyone! well i spent the weekend creating my second life. i must admit it was pretty fun tweaking my character n all, i guess i can see the point of having a second life- most people want a better life for themselves, so if u could make a second life that was better than your first one, i would spend more time on that too. right? right.
there are really ALL SORTS of people on second life, i conducted some interviews and as expected some were nice, some were rude and alot were just plain weird. i found most people to be quite....what is the word...vain? well they strive to create the "perfect life" i guess. they hang out at the "cool" places (i presume they are cool) wear the clothes they would ideally wear in real life (maybe their body type doesn't fit in real life) etcetcetc. but i realise even though its virtual reality, it's JUST LIKE real life- u need alot of money to buy nice things (real money to buy virtual things) be it clothes, food, property, a hot tub even, so u have to be rich (in real life) to enjoy your virtual life.
most people i interacted with said they were on second life because they liked to meet new people, and they would not have to be afraid of being judged (although isn't your character being judged?) some said they met girlfriends/boyfriends through second life and a few said they even had a daily routine of what time of the day they would log onto second life, mostly because their friends would log on at roughly the same time as well.
ive only had 2 or 3 days to play with second life, more to come soon!

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