Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Connection Experimentation, Functionality and Coloration

After experimenting with different connections of our branches ( we added snaps, sewn on tassles and fabric handles to various branches to increase the options of hanging and interconnecting) we've concluded that we want to continue with our original idea of having our branches be intertwined and installed at the whim of the user to replicate a tree like from that adds cushion, comfort, shelter or adornment to a space. We don't want our "tree" to be used for just anything, and we've decided to market its function as something of this sort. By adding the various connections, our tree can be installed anywhere in which an existing hook or ledge has been installed. Anything that allows for something to be hung on or wrapped around is a place were these branches can be placed. We are hoping to do more user testing this afternoon during school hours to see how those who often are waiting in between classes that use the walls or school furniture as a resting place interact with our plush object. We see our tree as being a comfortable cushion that can make such hard surfaces more pleasurable to rest and relax. Imagine everytime you were to sit on the concrete or linoluem floor of our school, of an airport, of your bedroom, etc. that you had a more plush, intimate and inviting enviorment to relax in. This is the idea that we want to continue with. Along with photographically documenting people today, we wanted to discuss with everyone the possible fabrications/colorations of the trees. We originally had no desire to colorize the branches, but now we are considering making "sets" that can be marketing for particular spaces of peoples personal color preferences. I was incredibly inspired by the Ugly Doll, one of our genius illustration students thesis, (which i'm bringing to class today) and I think the color and narrative of these pieces may be an interesting project to consider while further developing our own.


Denise said...

I'm beginning to think, as I see it hanging in your images, that it has to be more colourful. There's something a little lifeless about the beige-brown colour, which seems the opposite of what you want. You could even do a pale earthy green colour, and it would still feel neutral, but not quite so lifeless. Or you could go for the super-saturated colours you did your last test in.

MeganHoward said...

We've decided to play around with some highly saturated colors like the orange and blue we showed in class. We're also going to continue with trying to create a narrative that encompasses aspects of trees like leave, insects, etc. to help create an object that can be used for story telling as well as a space manipulator.

kevinkwan said...

i think it should look earthy and inviting because thats what you guys are after. i like the idea of a narrative, you can even have a little girl looking out of the tree or something (like alice in wonderland).
are u guys happy with the scale?