Monday, December 8, 2008

The Kiosk

"Got something on your mind? Listen Up New York intends to find out.

Stringing together 2-minute video narratives collected from participants, Listen Up New York follows winding trains of thought to find out what New Yorkers really think. Each one starts with an open ended question. Participants respond to the last video in the sequence, and there’s no telling where the storyline goes! The videos stream live on our website, where you can watch the train of thought as it unfolds. Check out the latest entries at

Join 8 million New Yorkers in a mission to find out what the city is thinking! Record a video with us today."

Ashley and I put this blurb together as a concise explanation for Listen Up New York, the kind that would be found right on the outside of the kiosk itself. We've been focusing on the communication of the project in and around the kiosk itself, the site where all of our content is generated; we've been finalizing design decisions for our branding imagery, the outside look and interior layout of the kiosk, and the actual touch-screen interface sequence users encounter inside.

Based on Naomi, Alexa and Denise's feedback on Friday, we readjusted the designs so that the kiosk would have 2 entrances/exits (to facilitate an easy flow of users); changed the configuration of chair/entrance/direction; added signage outside to indicate when the kiosk is in use; added a monitor that previews videos from different times and spaces in the city (so as not to give away the narrative one encounters). We also streamlined our interface for easier, more intuitive use, using clear wording and buttons/symbols. Its functionality is based on the MTA metrocard vending machine.


kevinkwan said...

i love the website idea. why the choice of 2 single seats rather than a sofa? what if there is a big group of people?

are u guys gonna make a video for the final presentation? i think u should!

Denise said...

wow...pushing the boundaries of Sunday night!

Looks like you're making good progress. My only thought is the two entrances with such a small kiosk might not be necessary. Plus it might be nice for the next person to see the previous one as s/he goes in, so that a physical connection is made. Otherwise, it's all a bit disconnected and virtual, no?

N said...

agreed with kevin's idea of the sofa... its good to see the feedback we gave in your progress! great job!

Jillian Sandrey said...

excellent job on developing 'listen up ny''s informal language...the little blurb is great, simple yet enough information for the average passer by to i do think you need to test it in real life, maybe even before making the video, just ask the people of ny what they think of this idea, if they would use it...after all, you need these people to make your concept work!

i appreciate all your work, especially the plan of the kiosk- it really helps me get an idea of your concept and i quite enjoy the fact that your interface will be designed around metro ticket kiosks....because those are quiet simple and enjoyable to use.

maybe for your final project you could make a simple (power point) mock up of how the interface would work inside the everyone can try out the interface for themselves....just a thought

Moira said...

I think the blurb is great - it is clear about what you want, while still enticing enough to get people to want to participate.

I also think a couch idea might work better, it would encourage groups of people to participate together.

kimi said...

I also agree with the sitting situation, but i'm also wondering if you actually need sitting arrangements. how long are you promoting them to stay for? should they get too comfortable?