Wednesday, December 3, 2008

origami thingie

Here are some images of the actual size of the origami piece.

We plan on dying the fabric soon. We ran into some complications and had to switch to a stiffer buckram, but this material does hold up. We still need to add zippers and snaps to make things more secure. Right now, we're working on the instructional part of the project, and we want to use the seam lines on the inside of the origami piece as guide lines instead of embedding more things into the origami piece.


Denise said...

wow--quite a production! i'm looking forward to seeing the instructions--i think they're a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Jillian Sandrey said...

it is really great to see images of you guys actually doing the set ups! (gorgeous house by the way where are you?)

i am so glad you have developed those easy to follow instructions, i can tell you have done your research on folding instructions...they look great!