Monday, December 8, 2008

Free Gift!! Read here!!

Stella and I have been working hard on re-doing packaging and making multiple of the re-worked prototypes.

As far as packaging, we have designed the packaging to read in the language of a sample, with the "Free Gift! Rip One Out!" meanwhile still keeping the implication of a condom with the size and shape. Does it communicate to you as a sample? We will bring it into class so that you can actually hold and feel it yourself. We have tested it and it successfully rips open.

As you know, we've also figured out all the text/facts that we're going to use (and we're still waiting on feedback from some of you! Don't worry - we'll get you on Tuesday :)

Here are some of the re-worked booklets for chlamydia, herpes, and HIV. The front are the photoshopped images and inside each one has the tactile image and one-liner on the first page, and the fact on the second page.

Here are our scenarios!




Let us know what you think! Thanks.



Ashley said...

Hey I think the way you designed the package works great. the edges remind me of the stickers that are generally on products like dvds and books and stuff. It fits well and does not look out of place.

Anna Millholland said...

I agree, the packaging looks great. I think by advertising free gift with the gossip girl logo so prominent you will be sure to grab the attention of your target audience. The surprise element of what's inside contrasted with what's advertised is so compelling. I also feel the condom aspect is just subtle enough. How do you plan to attach these packets to the DVD's etc? Will it damage the product at all? I also feel that the packaging is so well integrated with these products that it reads as though you have to purchase them to receive the free gift. Are you intending to only distribute to those who purchase Nylon, or would you like people to just take and open them in the store?

rawfoodculture said...

the packaging works really well, i am confused by the gossip girl advertising, is it on each info packet?

MeganHoward said...

I think placing it on a magazine is the most successful at this moment- I think the books and dvds should be more specific to your target audience, and maybe consider putting them on feminine products, soap or facial cleansers that are directed towards teens. Thats where I tend to see most attached gifts and coupon packets that mimic the design of your concept

kevinkwan said...

i think the gossip girl as the packaging might be a little confusing/misleading. I dont have a suggestion for getting round it though, i understand that u want to capture peoples attention that way...

N said...

the packaging looks great! the gossip girl packaging was kind of confusing to me as well but it makes sense when youre narrowing down your audience to a specific group of people that are interested in programs that might promote unsafe teenage sex.

it would have been nice to see close ups of the small pamphlets!

Jillian Sandrey said...

i really agree with megans suggestion of placing your objects on products marketed towards teens....not to stereotype to much but putting them on a book in a book store probably wont hit your target market as much as putting them in the face wash or hair dye isle of dwane reed or in the shoe section of forever 21....that is where someone might go to get ready for a night that may lead to unsafe sex...and that is the best location to place your product...not in barnes and noble haha.

Rudya Sohn said...

i like how you guys designed the package and the choice of your scenarios. maybe instead of placing them so that they are in your face, maybe if they were placed inside of the books/magazines/dvd sets there will be more of a surprise element to them.