"Got something on your mind? Listen Up New York intends to find out.
Stringing together 2-minute video narratives collected from participants, Listen Up New York follows winding trains of thought to find out what New Yorkers really think. Each one starts with an open ended question. Participants respond to the last video in the sequence, and there’s no telling where the storyline goes! The videos stream live on our website, where you can watch the train of thought as it unfolds. Check out the latest entries at www.ListenUpAmerica.com.
Join 8 million New Yorkers in a mission to find out what the city is thinking! Record a video with us today."
Ashley and I put this blurb together as a concise explanation for Listen Up New York, the kind that would be found right on the outside of the kiosk itself. We've been focusing on the communication of the project in and around the kiosk itself, the site where all of our content is generated; we've been finalizing design decisions for our branding imagery, the outside look and interior layout of the kiosk, and the actual touch-screen interface sequence users encounter inside.
Based on Naomi, Alexa and Denise's feedback on Friday, we readjusted the designs so that the kiosk would have 2 entrances/exits (to facilitate an easy flow of users); changed the configuration of chair/entrance/direction; added signage outside to indicate when the kiosk is in use; added a monitor that previews videos from different times and spaces in the city (so as not to give away the narrative one encounters). We also streamlined our interface for easier, more intuitive use, using clear wording and buttons/symbols. Its functionality is based on the MTA metrocard vending machine.